Unfolding Duality
See the pattern as provisionally developed below.
However, the explanation here is incomplete.
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
All Principal Typologies are thought to have an unfolding duality.,i.e. an intrinsic tension between:
- a ground state that is basic and unavoidable,
and - a developmental force offering potential.
For the
generation is the developmental force that develops the use provided by a foundation.
The generative state involves a
The foundational state ...
Foundation i.e.
- Generation i.e. extending the scope of the communication.
This duality applies only to the . The ,
Insert IMAGE here

In _______ is proposed as the ground state and _________ as the developmental force.
,The unfolding duality manifests in a different form within each Type (Level), with the ________ pole propelling movement to the next higher Type: i.e. the dilemma at each Level is resolved by synthesis to create a new form of _________ at the next higher Level. This in turn generates a new form of __________.
The system is cyclic because the duality at is resolved by the form of __________ at .
The Seven Dualities
L'1: Concrete
Need for Action v Need for ThoughtDetail
However, the difficulty with
L'2: Associative
Need to link thoughts v Need to fix thoughtsDetail
However, the difficulty with
L'3: Conceptual
Need to be rigorous v Need to be flexibleDetail
The difficulty with e
L'4: Universal
Need to catch interest v Need to focus interestDetail
L'5: Gestalt
Need for intensification v Need for awarenessDetail
L'6: Logical
Need for order v Need for liberationDetail
L'7: Mythic
Need to surrender v Need to liveDetail
The tension in
of .- Back to Review.
- Continue with handling reality.
Originally posted: 4-Sep-2016. Last updated: 10-Feb-2023.